Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Welcome to my blog...and my first post

Hello everyone,

I've decided to start a blog.  I never thought I'd see the day.  I'm not too much of the blogging type.  I'm one of those people who wishes they wrote, kept journals and all.  However, I'm a very active person, and always seem to keep myself too busy to sit down and write.  But hey, gotta give everything a try, right?

I've viewed a lot of blogs now, trying to figure out what I want mine to be about.  Some I've liked, others not as much.  So to begin my blog, I'd like to express my vision and hope for this blog.  Since photography for me is both an avenue of personal expression and art, as well as my business, I would like this blog to contain a balance of my personal projects and my client driven work, as well as random observations about art, life, other artists' or photographers' work, and even some posts about the photographic process and what I am learning (or have learned) about photography.

The picture above is of my dog, Georgia (she has grown a lot since this puppy picture).  Georgia is my wife and my first child (or so you would think so if you saw us with her).  She is also my assistant, and comes to work with me every day, patiently waiting for me to finish enough work to take her outside and play with her.  I've posted this picture for two reasons.  One, I just enjoy showing everyone how cute our dog is.  But more importantly, because Georgia often teaches me valuable life lessons.  She always gives me such wonderful enthusiasm, and loves me so passionately and innocently.  She seems to give the same passion, and keeps that wonderful innocence, in all the things she does in her life.  She is a reminder to keep true to my work, to do the things that fuel my love and passion for photography.  And also, she reminds me to be innocent and try new things (a lesson that my Photo 1 and 2 students also reminded me of this past spring).

I hope you will keep up with me.  Thanks for viewing, and have a great day.  Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. This way I will get to see more family photos to balance out the design stuff. Mizz GA. sure is cute.
