I finally got my film scanner working. I have an older Imacon Precision II virtual drum scanner, and it makes beautiful scans of my 4X5 film. However, it is from the computer days of long ago, and uses a SCSI chord. Remember those? Anyways, I have a converter so it will work with my computer, but the converter stopped working with the new Mac software. I finally got it to work with my laptop, which has the older Mac software (Tiger) on it. And so I got to scan some new work for one of my ongoing personal projects!
The first picture is the church picture I mentioned the other day. It was taken near Baytown, TX, east of Houston. It is the latest of a series of images that I've taken for a project I began about a year and a half ago. The other two images I've printed so far for this series are of a blue Mustang and construction barrels on the side of the freeway outside of La Grange (the other two photos shown above). I took a photo in Galveston last summer before Hurricane Ike hit. It is a landscape photo of the beach, with an orange Jeep Wrangler parked facing the water. In the distance is a mother and daughter playing along the water's edge.
I'm still not exactly sure what the project is about. These scenes all strike me in a curious and odd way, and I'm compelled to photograph them. They all seem to be tied together somehow. There is something subtly bizarre about them all. And yet they are very beautiful to me. I anticipate that the photograph from Galveston will fit together with the other three, however, I haven't seen it yet. I still have to scan it! I'll try and get to that next week.
My wife, Regan, my mother-in-law, and I are traveling to Savannah, Georgia next week, where we will spend a couple of days before heading to Florida. Almost all of Regan's family is from Savannah, and I've heard so much about it. I'm looking forward to the trip, and will be taking several cameras. I'll try and make a couple of posts with some photos while we are gone, if I can find internet.
A quick note about my main website--I'm having some trouble with resolution on some of the images that are displayed throughout the slideshows. I apologize about this, and am trying to get it fixed so that all of the images look as clear and sharp as they really are! My web designer is in Europe right now, but will be coming back in early July. When he returns we're going to find the solution.
I'll try and post once more before we leave to Georgia. I'm taking some engagement portraits this weekend in the River Oaks Garden Club Forum gardens. New locations are always fun, and these gardens are supposed to be very beautiful.
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