Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Mamiya 6 Film Camera Photo

I hope all are doing well. I scanned this photo in yesterday, and have spent a little time working on it today. It was taken at a cemetery in Savannah, GA with my old Mamiya 6 medium format film camera. The camera is probably from the 1950s, and is pretty unpredictable. However, it takes some really neat photos. I thought it would be the perfect camera for the cemetery!

I love the texture and color in this photo. What a beautiful grave marker.

In other news, I saw the Phantom of the Opera with my wife last night at the Hobby Center downtown. It was awesome! I highly recommend going to see it if you can--I think the last show is coming up this Sunday, August 2nd.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Bonnie and Mark's Rehearsal Dinner

Here is a slideshow of some of the photographs that I took at Bonnie and Mark's Rehearsal Dinner. Mrs. Muecke (the groom's mother) did an incredible job transforming the room to meet the theme, "A Perfect Pair."
I've known Bonnie for as long as I can remember, so it was very special for me to be there taking pictures. Thanks for having me to share in such a wonderful evening! Congratulations!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

This beautiful grave marker is over 100 years old. It marks the spot where Gracie Watson was put to rest. To read about her life, click here.

Sorry for the late post about our trip to Savannah. It has been crazy in the office since I got home.

What an awesome trip we had! Savannah, Georgia is one of the most beautiful cities that I've visited, and I really enjoyed being surrounded by such rich and interesting history. It was a quick trip to Savannah--we only spent 3 nights there (the first night we arrived and went straight to bed after the 17 hour drive!). However, I cannot wait to return to get a more complete idea of the city.

We traveled around the historic area of Savannah, and it was really special to hear my mother-in-law talk about growing up in the city, and the places she visited as a child and young adult. We also got to sail on a 44 foot sailboat for the day, which was very nice and relaxing. We ended that day boiling crabs on the dock and watching incredible way to celebrate the 4th of July.

We left Georgia to meet more family on St. George's Island off the Florida coast. We had a lot of rain, but we enjoyed what good weather came our way. Regan and I traveled into the small town of Apalachicola, Florida, walked around, and visited with a local photographer, Richard Bickel, whose work is beautiful. He has been documenting the locals and their rich culture since he moved to Apalachicola in 1994.

I'll be scanning some of the film from the trip soon, and will post those if I like any of them. I photographed several rolls with my old Mamiya 6 Rangefinder, a camera that is probably close to 50 or 60 years old.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I've packed my bags, I'm ready to go...Sort of...

(The photo above is an abstract photo that I took a couple years ago, while on another road trip)

Well, I've got my cameras all packed up. I'm heading to Savannah, Georgia, and then to St. George's Island, Florida, with my wife, mother-in-law and Georgia, our dog. We're hitting the road early tomorrow!

I loaded some 4X5 film today, got the large format camera, the Mamiya 6X6 Rangefinder and the digital with lenses. I hope to get some good photos, and will share when I get back (I'll hopefully be able to post a couple while we are gone). We are going to visit, among other places, an old, famous cemetery while we are there--I believe the cemetery was in the book and movie Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (which we will be watching on the way!). I'm looking forward to photographing this cemetery, as Regan tells me it is beautiful.

Anyways, we will be returning next week. If you are trying to reach me while I am gone, I will be receiving email, and any voice messages that are left at my office will be emailed to me. I will return emails and phone calls as soon as I can.

Have a wonderful week!